ELT Roadshow Round-up

Our successful ELT Roadshow gave employees a chance to connect with one another

Our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) recently met with international and Irish teams, both virtually and in-person throughout the Tirlán network. The annual ELT Roadshow serves as a platform for the ELT to deliver business updates, acknowledge teams and engage in discussions on matters of global and local significance.

The Roadshow provided a valuable opportunity for our employees to connect with one another and receive direct insights from our Leadership team. Play this short photo reel for a selection of photos from across all ELT Roadshow 2024 locations.

As we strive to continuously improve, aligned with our value of “Adapt to Grow,” we invite your feedback on the ELT Roadshow to help shape future events.

Kindly take a few minutes to complete the feedback form here...

The success of the annual Roadshow is made possible by the Engagement Network, a dedicated group of individuals across the organisation who contribute to the seamless execution of the roadshow at each site. Our sincere thanks to each of you for your support, as well as to all our Site Managers for their efforts in facilitating these events.

New charity partnership with Aware

We were delighted to use this opportunity to share with you the details of our new charity partnership with Aware as part of our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.

Aware is a registered charity which provides free support, education and information services to those impacted by anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and other mental health related conditions. In 2023, Aware directly supported up to 40,000 people via its support and education services.

The subject of mental ill-health will resonate with many of us on a personal level. We hope that through both corporate donations and employee fundraising, we can make a real difference. Last year alone, we raised €116,000 for worthy causes and created a positive impact in communities across the south-east, midlands and north-east.

Please watch this short video for more information about our charity partnership with Aware.