Committed to water quality

Tirlán’s commitment to improving water quality is about securing a sustainable future for our industry and communities

Recently, Tirlán joined forces with key organisations from the Irish agri-food sector to highlight Ireland’s collaborative approach to improving water quality and retaining the Nitrates Derogation during the EU Commission’s visit to Ireland.

During a Tirlán farm visit in Wexford and meetings with EU Commission officials, the importance of maintaining Ireland’s current Nitrates Derogation was emphasised for both the sector and the wider economy.

Tirlán, along with officials from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine; Dairy Industry Ireland (DII); Meat Industry Ireland (MII); Irish Co-operative Organisation Society (ICOS) and other processing Co-ops; Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA); Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers’ Association (ICMSA); Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO); An Taisce and other organisations, participated in a roundtable discussion. This discussion underscored Ireland’s commitment and whole-of-sector approach to protecting and improving water quality.

Speaking after the meeting, Tirlán’s CEO Seán Molloy said: “Tirlán and our farm families are fully engaged and firmly behind Ireland’s collaborative approach to improving water quality through Ireland’s Farming for Water EIP. Our significant investment in our progressive River Slaney project shows our commitment to practical science-based action across our catchment area and it is part of a national drive to deliver change, with activity underway by Co-ops and other organisations right across the country.

“We are acutely aware of the importance of the Nitrates Derogation, not just for dairy farmers, but for all of the agri-food sector and the impact its loss would have on the sustainability and viability of small family farms. Equally, we are fully aware and determined to continue our work to improve water quality into the future. It is important to deliver policy certainty and clarity for farm families at this time.”

We also hosted a farm visit at the Poole family farm near Gorey in Wexford. Alan and Cheryl Poole showcased how they are farming with nature and brought the group on a tour of the farm where they highlighted the work they’re doing as part of Tirlán’s Farming for Water: River Slaney Project.

Our participation in this initiative reflects Tirlán’s dedication to sustainable farming and environmental protection. By working together with various stakeholders, we aim to ensure that our farming practices not only meet but exceed environmental standards, thereby securing a sustainable future for our industry and our communities.

We encourage all employees to stay informed and engaged with our sustainability efforts. Your contributions are vital to our success and to the positive impact we can make on the environment.