Chewing the cud with… Tom Fanning

Each month, we put the spotlight on a Glanbia Ireland employee and for our July newsletter, we’re talking to Tom Fanning

Training coordinator for the Belview plant, Tom Fanning is responsible for the training needs and requirements of over 100 employees. It’s a job the former IT, call centre and medical devices company worker absolutely loves.

“I joined Glanbia in 2017. I live in Tramore so it’s a 45 minute commute on my bike or a short spin in the camper van every morning. I revel in a performance-oriented environment with targets. This role involves a lot of collaboration and is very solutions oriented.

“My typical day starts with a performance review meeting and once that’s over, it’s all about getting learning programmes underway, liaising with Team Leads and plant personnel. Over the summer months, I engage in the process of hiring our temporary staff. It’s an exciting role and particularly around peak season, which starts mid-March when we’re juggling those demands with training and regulatory compliance.

“The day to day bits also involve gap analysis and operations meetings. There’s a very strong collaborative environment here between all the departmental teams. We’re one strong and united team.”

The change in ownership structure is a very good thing for Glanbia, Tom believes. “As a Cooperative, we now have more control of the business and what we do with the product. There are massive opportunities for diversification and adding value and the Royal A-ware joint venture represents huge opportunities for us all.”

And how does Tom relax and unwind, once his shift is over? “I’m a surfer Dad. I was always into cycling and rowing, but now it’s surfing. I love surfing with my kids. My eldest daughter, Alex who is 16 will be competing for Ireland in the Europeans this month. The other two, David, 13 and Jane 10, also love being out on the board.

“We love getting away in the camper and discovering the best places to surf. Tramore is great and we’re members of T Bay. But if I had to choose where the best waves are, it’s probably Waterville in Kerry. That is a very nice spot. I wouldn’t mind it if we opened a plant down there. That would be some work/life balance.”