Supporting Ukraine

Fundraising efforts by GI employees are helping families in Ukraine and refugees arriving in Ireland

As armed conflict in Ukraine continues to cause devastation, the sad familiarity of the war can distract us from the humanitarian crisis that’s been affecting millions of people since the start of the invasion on February 24th.

Our Glanbia Ireland community and our third-party manufacturers have made an impact, helping Ukrainians both here in Ireland and overseas in Poland and Ukraine.

Added to our €30,000 donation to UNICEF in March, GI employees, friends and family have added another €15,000 which will go directly to the charity’s team on the ground to help millions of displaced children and their families.

Since the first shipment of 100,000 meal kits was sent by Complex Nutrition to Ukraine in March, an additional 250,000 nutritional, milk powder-based meal kits using over 5 tonnes of milk powder from Glanbia Ireland farmers has gone to Ukrainian hospitals, this time proudly displaying our Avonmore branding.

Pictured below are hospital employees from the Department of Health in the Lviv region of Ukraine and the non-profit organization ‘Yurii Lypa Hospital of War Veterans’, along with volunteer soldiers from the Ukrainian army who recently received the meal kits. You can read a thank you letter from the hospital to Complex Nutrition and Avonmore.

Over 25,000 Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Ireland to date, with many being sheltered in emergency accommodation. Having fled their country in haste, some arrived with few belongings and no access to money to purchase essentials. In an effort to help refugees settle into their new lives, Glanbia Ireland employees in Ballyragget, Belview, KFC (Soup Plant) and Purcellsinch generously donated items to make up 200 care packs which have been distributed by Kilkenny County Council throughout Kilkenny and surrounding areas.

GI HR team member Rob Mosse presents some items collected for care packs to Kilkenny Civil Defence for distribution to refugees arriving in the southeast