Members of the Gaultier Branch team, Finlay Weir and Ray Ryan, were joined at the event by Waterford City Chief Superintendent Tony Lonergan, Garda representatives from the Dunmore East and Councillor Pat Fitzgerald

Helping customers’ peace of mind

Gaultier agri-store supports home and farm security

Glanbia Ireland’s Gaultier branch recently held a home and farm security information day in conjunction with Gardaí from Dunmore East and Waterford Garda stations. The event was aimed at creating awareness amongst the local community on how people can secure their homes, farms and farm equipment. With a spate of burglaries in the area recently, the Gardaí were delighted to provide information to branch customers and were very happy with the warm welcome from GI colleagues. Kudos to all those involved in organising this event; it’s ‘Living Proof’ of the good work Glanbia Ireland does in the communities we work in.