‘You Are The Difference’

GI has launched a major customer service programme to enhance customer experience across Agri & CountryLife branch networks

For the first time in over two years, Glanbia Ireland’s Branch Managers got together in Kilkenny and Portlaoise to take part in live masterclasses aimed at enhancing customer service and selling capabilities throughout GI’s Agri & CountryLife branch network.

There was a great sense of occasion and a celebratory mood as GI’s Head of Retail, Senan Foley welcomed attendees, reflected on and acknowledged the strong performance of the branches throughout the Covid pandemic and thanked all branch colleagues for their efforts during this period.

Senan then introduced customer service guru and creator of the highly effective ‘You Are The Difference’ programme, Alf Dunbar, to address the audience.

Alf’s masterclasses are designed to introduce a cultural shift in the way all branch colleagues interact with customers, using methods and techniques that lead to increased customer satisfaction and increased sales. The techniques have been developed on the shop floor through thousands of live customer interactions and the programme provides colleagues with the skills and confidence to enhance customer experience.

Beryl Lanigan

Finlay Weir

Kevin Hosey

Feedback from those involved was great…
Beryl Lanigan, Branch Manager Killenaule said: “The programme is based on common sense, easily relatable to the branch.” Gaultier Branch Manager Finlay Weir said: “It was a good coaching session, worthwhile and I found it interesting. Alf held my attention throughout.” Kevin Hosey from our Goresbridge Branch said that in all his years’ experience, “the was one of the best courses as it’s common sense that we can actually use.”

What’s next?
The branch managers will now take what they’ve learned back to their stores and will roll out the programme locally in their branches with all employees. The next step of the programme is in-store coaching for branch managers with a ‘You Are The Difference’ coach to bring the techniques to life in a real life situation.

Pictured at the launch of the ‘You Are the Difference’ Masterclass in  Hotel Kilkenny are from L-R: Ben Furney, Branch Manager Ashford,  Richie Manogue, HRBP Agri, Senan Foley, Head of Retail, Rhona Howley, Talent Development Manager, Alf Dunbar, Creator of ‘You Are the Difference’, Rob Mosse, HR Officer Agri, and James Kinsella, Area Retail Manager.