Excellence Showcase Winners Announced

The inaugural Business Excellence Showcase took place in Abbey Quarter last week, celebrating and bringing to life the richness of work taking place across Tirlán

The Business Excellence Showcase demonstrates the strong impact the application of Business, Process, Data and Utilities Excellence tools can have for our business.
From over 140 entries, 21 finalists took part in the showcase from which four winners emerged.

Congratulations to all who took part and in particular, to the winners who walked away with an Excellence Showcase trophy, certificate and a voucher for €1,500 towards a team activity of their choice.

The winners were:

  • RCS Temperature Profile & Control – Vincent Cleere, Padraig McDonald, John Brennan, Patricia McGrath, Aoife O’Rourke and Stephen Walsh.
  • Shikoku GNR Compliance – Conor Downey, Dave English, Amy Redfern and Nigel Allen.
  • Tirlán & Baileys Sustainable Farming Academy – The team was cross-functional and led from the Tirlán side by Ann Meaney, Carol Power, Thomas Ryan and James Brennan.
  • Gluten Free Oat Success with Kind Bars USA – The team was made up of Growth Ing Commercial: Teresa Kelly, Tom Finlay. Portlaoise Oatsmill Production: Diarmuid Doran, Andy Wilkinson. Grains Quality: Deirdre Carolan, Eileen O’Donnell, Niamh McGrath, Marie O’ Toole. Agri Grains: Donal Moloney. Finance: Shauna Deane. Customer Services: Helen McCabe. Logistics: Connie Murphy. Legal: Erika Murphy and the Plant Hub Team: Ann Meaney, Avril Collins, Garry Sheehan, Yvonne Bellanti, Tommy Maher.

Details of all the final 21 projects as well as a list of the 140 entries is available here

Congratulations to the winners pictured below who received their awards from Tirlán CEO Jim Bergin.

ABOVE: Members of RCS Temperature Profile & Control team – Vincent Cleere, Aoife O’Rourke, Padraig McDonald, John Brennan and Stephen Walsh

ABOVE: Members of the Gluten Free Oat Success with Kind Bars USA team – Teresa Daly, Shauna Deane and Andy Wilkinson

ABOVE: Members of the Shikoku GNR Compliance team – Nigel Allen, Dave English and Conor Downey

ABOVE: Members of the Tirlán & Baileys Sustainable Farming Academy team – Ann Meaney, Carol Power, Michael Hassett and James Brennan.

Speaking after the Showcase, one of the chief organisers of the event and GPS Specialist Brooke Blair told Overherd at Tirlán; “The Excellence Showcase is a great example of what can be achieved using a continuous improvement (CI) mindset. The event gave us a great opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the engagement, hard work and drive of our people over the last year. An enormous amount of hard work and effort went into all entries and we wouldn’t be here in Abbey Quarter showcasing excellence without the dedication of our Tirlán teams, sites, and functions.”