Don’t forget the cream!

Nothing tops Avonmore Cream’s range of limited edition flavours this Christmas

Don’t forget the cream this Christmas! Avonmore’s festive cream range – already whipped and ready to serve – is the perfect accompaniment for all your tasty Christmas treats. Our limited-edition flavours are available in stores from early December and include Avonmore Freshly Whipped Cream, Avonmore Caramel Whipped Cream, Baileys Whipped Cream and Avonmore Brandy Whipped Cream. Already whipped and ready to serve from the fridge, nothing tops Avonmore Cream at Christmas.

This year, our Avonmore Cream will be supported via an extensive 360 marketing campaign including TV ads, VOD, OOH, Digital, social partnerships, in-store media and POS, as well as branded fridges.

Here’s a treat for you to try at home!

Baileys Tiramisu


  • 250ml Avonmore Baileys Cream
  • 125g mascarpone
  • 12 savoiardi biscuits
  • 300ml strong black coffee
  • 125g caster sugar
  • cocoa powder, to dust


  1. Combine 150ml coffee with the caster sugar in a saucepan, bring to a simmer on a low heat and simmer 5 minutes until syrupy, leave to cool.
  2. Mix the Baileys cream into the mascarpone until fully incorporated.
  3. In the bottom of two glasses put a generous spoonful of the cream mixture.
  4. Soak 4 of the biscuits in the remaining coffee, layer 2 into each glass and drizzle with some of the coffee syrup, repeat the layers until the glasses are full, finishing with a cream layer.
  5. Chill until ready to serve.
  6. Dust with cocoa just before serving.

For more fabulously festive Christmas dishes, just check out which features a wide selection of traditional starters, mains and desserts as well as treats, snacks and festive drinks.