Egg chair winner announced!

Following last month’s competition, find out who won our popular CountryLife Egg Chair

In last month’s edition of Overherd at Glanbia Ireland, we gave you the chance to win a hanging Egg Chair worth nearly €400, thanks to our colleagues at CountryLife.

All you had to do to win this fantastic prize was tell us why the Egg Chair would be perfect for your outdoor spaces at home this summer.

The Egg Chair has proven a very popular prize with a huge number of competition entries, but there can only be one winner! Congratulations to David Frampton who is a Production Specialist at our Belview site. He told us: “My wife and I have spent the past five years getting our garden to a near finished state. It’s been hard but rewarding work and we are nearly there now, if you are ever really there! This chair would be a beautiful finishing touch to our garden and provide a focal point that we could fight over during the long hot days of the summer months 😊.”